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Millions of U.S. military emails with insanely sensitive contents have been sent to the country Mali — a big ally of Russia and employer of the Wagner group. But the craziest thing about all of this is that this isn’t part of some inside leak or a covert spy operation from a foreign agent — it is literally due to a simple typo. The Pentagon confirmed that instead of using the military’s domain for emails which is “.MIL” (M-I-L), people are incorrectly typing “.ML” (ML) — which is the domain for Mali. Now, notably, according to reports: “None of the missent emails have been marked classified, but many contain highly sensitive information about American military personnel and installations, including base staff lists, medical data, and identity documents.” But still, the Dutch internet entrepreneur who has contracted to manage Mali’s country domain for the last decade told reporters that he first noticed this issue when he first started working on the domain and has tried to repeatedly warn U.S. authorities.

Produced by: Cory Ray, Philip DeFranco
Edited by: James Girardier, Maxwell Enright, Julie Goldberg, Christian Meeks
Art Department: William Crespo
Writing/Research: Lili Stenn, Philip DeFranco
#Russia #US #Military