0 2 min 11 mths

Philip Storey and Cecily Batten join us from email marketing agency, Enchant, to share their tips on what makes for great email marketing.

Philip is the founder and CEO of Enchant, and also works as their principal consultant. With 22 years’ experience in email marketing, CRM and marketing automation, he founded Enchant back in 2015, with a mind to supporting brands to understand and improve their email marketing, CRM, automation and paid social to create exceptional impact.

Cecily is a freelance marketing expert who has been working with Enchant for a number of years, helping to bring email marketing to life. She brings a whole host of skills and experience to the discussion, including marketing strategy and strategic planning.

Join us as we speak to Philip and Cecily about what makes a great email campaign, why strategy is so important and how small businesses can maximise the impact and effectiveness of every marketing email they send.