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Donald Trump freaks out over his interview with a probation officer with a deranged email blast to his supporters attempting to fundraise in a panicked frenzy over unfair treatment, despite getting unusual perks. John Iadarola and Abelina Sabrina break it down on The Damage Report.

Read more here:

Expert Describes Why Trump’s Probation Interview Was ‘Highly Unusual’ -https://www.thedailybeast.com/expert-describes-why-trumps-probation-interview-was-highly-unusual?ref=home?ref=home?ref=home

“Donald Trump sat down with a New York City probation official on Monday for a court-mandated, pre-sentencing meeting—but legal experts say the former president didn’t receive the same treatment as other recent convicts in the city.

Citing an unnamed source, the Associated Press reported around 6 p.m. Monday that Trump’s interview had wrapped up after “less than a half-hour of routine and uneventful questions and answers.”

Mayor Eric Adam’s office confirmed to The Daily Beast that Trump was permitted to attend the probation meeting through Zoom, with his defense attorney, Todd Blanche, seated by his side.

That’s not the typical procedure for most convicted felons, however, said Martin Horn, a former commissioner of the New York City Department of Corrections and Probation who now lectures at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice.”


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