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We’re all about maximizing the capabilities of Gmail! Check out these 10 Gmail tips and tricks that will make you unstoppable – https://bombbomb.com/blog/how-to-use-gmail-11-tips-and-tricks-that-will-make-you-unstoppable

It’s a moment in everyone’s professional career which calls for a celebration.

No, it’s not a promotion or nailing a big presentation to the executive team – although those are good things too.

It’s the moment your Gmail account achieves Inbox Zero, the business phenomenon where your inbox remains empty or as close to empty as possible.

Sure, you could take the gamble of just archiving all of your messages (not recommended) and starting from scratch, but without proper Gmail organization tips, your inbox will be overflowing with new and unread messages before you know it.

How many emails would you say you receive in a day?

According to a report by a technology market research firm, the average worker will send or receive 140 business emails daily. In a typical eight-hour workday, that’s more than 17 emails each hour, or one email almost every four minutes.

Consider any personal or junk emails that may also go to your work account, and that number could easily top 200 emails each day. Imagine how much more productive you could be if you didn’t need to waste time sifting through all those emails to determine which ones are most important and require an immediate response.

It may seem like an impossible challenge and might take some time to fine-tune, but organizing your Gmail account will help you reduce stress and better manage your time and priorities.

Here are five simple Gmail organization tips you can use to reach Inbox Zero and become more productive at the workplace. Following these Gmail organization tips can make inbox zero possible.

Inbox Zero won’t just be an elusive dream if you follow these simple Gmail organization tips.

But just like any shortcuts, you need to find a system that works for you. If one of these methods makes it harder for you to find archived messages or keep track of important conversations, then try something else. Once you find the procedures that make sense for your daily routine, your inbox will be a well-oiled machine.

Most people understand how to use the basics of their Gmail inbox, but what about the nitty-gritty tips and tricks that could make your life easier, your work more efficient, and your interactions more successful? We’ve pulled together eleven tricks that exist both within Gmail, and through external Google Chrome Extensions, that will show you how to use Gmail better. These tricks will allow you to enhance your inbox, save time, and scale your business – https://bombbomb.com/blog/how-to-use-gmail-11-tips-and-tricks-that-will-make-you-unstoppable

Want to take your email-game to the next level? Check out BombBomb video messaging. BombBomb makes it easy to send and track personal 1-to-1 video messages in Gmail and beyond – https://bombbomb.com

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