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7 Tips For Copywriting Emails So They Land In The Inbox (Not Spam or Promotions Folder)
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This week, I want to talk about email marketing. Now, writing email sequences and promotional campaigns is one of my absolutely favorite things to do as a copywriter…

But, lately, I’ve been finding it harder and harder to get my emails to actually arrive in my audience’s primary inbox.

Heaven forbid someone who asked me to send them emails should ACTUALLY get them, right!?

As a copywriter, there is NOTHING worse than spending hours on an email marketing campaign, only to find out it landed in the promotions folder or even worse, triggered the spam police. Watch to learn my 7 tips to massively improve conversions and revenue, by actually making it to the inbox.

Hubspot Spam Word List: https://blog.hubspot.com/blog/tabid/6307/bid/30684/The-Ultimate-List-of-Email-SPAM-Trigger-Words.aspx


Every single week I provide tips and resources from my copywriting vault, so go ahead and browse the tutorials and guides I already have up and, after you subscribe, hit that little bell icon so you don’t miss any future videos from me.



Share this link: https://youtu.be/9dwos0EtL00

Read this instead: https://www.alexcattoni.com/email-marketing-tutorial-how-to-write-emails-that-double-conversions/

Video Edited by https://bit.ly/neatvisuals

#emailmarketing #copywriting #copywritingtips