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In this 2023 Constant Contact review, discover if it’s the best email marketing service for your business needs. Explore its features, pricing, and more.
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In this 2023 Constant Contact review, discover if it’s the best email marketing service for your business needs. Explore its features, pricing, and more.

Hey everyone, welcome to the channel. For the past 5 or so years, I’ve been managing a few online businesses full-time, one of which is mine, and two are collaborations. And one thing that I’ve learned—and it took me a while to learn – is that email marketing is extremely powerful, mostly misused and has a lot of potential to make more money for just about any type of business, online or not. And for my email marketing, I tried a bunch of different platforms over the years, but for one reason or another, I wasn’t happy with any of them until I found Constant Contact, which I’ve used for just about a year now. And so I decided to make this video to try and give you a full picture of Constant Contact—how it works, it’s features, user interface, what it’s compatible with, how much it costs, and some things that, I think, make Constant Contact stand out compared to the other email marketing platforms that I used before. And to be completely honest, there are a few areas where I think that they could do a little better, which I’ll also get into. And the goal is, that by the end of the video, you’ll know whether or not they’re the right email marketing platform for your business or not. Okay, now, if you haven’t heard of Constant Contact before, it’s an email marketing platform that’s made for businesses or organizations to reach customers and potential customers in a much easier way than the more traditional, or what I call, more “ancient” ways. Now their main thing is email marketing, but they also offer a few different tools for website building, e-commerce, and social media management. In a nutshell, they make it really easy and quick to design, write and automatically send out really professional looking emails to a lot of people, which helps businesses connect with new leads to show off products and services, remind your customers that you exist, or send out special deals and discounts, which all help boost engagement and can ultimately lead to more sales. And they have a bunch of different email templates that make designing the emails really easy. And if you’re newer to this whole idea, an automated campaign is basically a series of completely automated emails that are sent to your customers based on specific triggers or events. But, in order to make automated campaigns, you need something called an autoresponder that can handle a lot of traffic, which Constant Contact does really, really well. And again, if you want to save a bit more money, like I mentioned earlier, I left a discounted link in the description down below, which will automatically apply a discount that you wouldn’t be able to get if you went straight to their website. So feel free to take advantage of that as well. Now, in terms of effectiveness, Constant Contact does a really good job. It’s really intuitive to craft appealing and responsive emails. The drag-and-drop editor, along with a bunch of customizable templates, really makes the email creation process pretty simple. And as I mentioned before, the deliverability rates are excellent. So Constant Contact definitely has the tools for managing your campaign. So, to sum it up, Constant Contact can be a great investment for businesses and companies that are trying to reach more customers. And, while it’s true that there are some areas for improvement, honestly, given all its features and how effective it is at delivering the content to actual people, it’s a really solid choice. And based on my own experience, I would definitely recommend Constant Contact to anyone looking to expand their business and ultimately increase sales. And that’s my take on email marketing and Constant Contact. I hope I was helpful and that I was able to help you make a decision on whether it’s the right fit for your business or not. And that’s gonna be it for today! I really hope you found this video helpful, and if you did, hit the like button and subscribe for more. And, like I mentioned before, if you want to try Constant Contact out, check out the link in the description to get that discount I mentioned before that you wouldn’t be able to get if you went straight to their website. Also, feel free to leave any questions in the comments below, and I’ll do my best to try and answer them as quickly as I can. Guys, thanks so much for watching, and I’ll see you in the next one!

Hope you enjoyed my Constant Contact Review 2023 📧 Best Email Marketing Service? Video.