0 5 min 3 yrs

Also, emails, texts and discussions by an attorney with an opposing counsel or other third party are not privileged.
…asking an attorney about investment advice or other non-legal issues is NOTprivileged. Moreover, having a discussion (or email exchange) with an attorney, where others are present (or included) is NOT privileged.

Law enforcement wants access to third-party data on my phone. What can it get? Short answer: Whatever it wants (with the right court order).

In cases involving a wrongful death, text messages can be used to show the last words or exchanges just prior to a fatal accident.

How To Subpoena Text Messages Guide

Alec Baldwin requested a bigger gun in emails with ‘Rust’ armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed ahead of production, according to investigators


It is unclear why the veteran actor and star of “Rust” has not voluntarily turned over his phone. Earlier in the investigation, Santa Fe County Sheriff’s investigators retrieved cellphones belonging to Gutierrez Reed and Halls. Both individuals voluntarily turned over their phones to sheriff’s investigators without a search warrant, according to their respective attorneys.

The affidavit said suspects, victims and witnesses “often make and/or receive telephone calls and/or messages before, during and/or after the commission of crime(s). Such information, if it exists, may be material and relevant to this investigation.” https://news.yahoo.com/mexico-york-police-baldwin-phone-010259616.html

The Santa Fe County Sheriff’s Office obtained a search warrant Friday so investigators could document the scene at the ranch outside Santa Fe where the shooting took place. They sought Baldwin’s blood-stained costume as evidence, https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/celebrities/2021/10/22/alec-baldwin-prop-gun-shooting-everything-we-know/6132795001/

but changed and also gave his clothes to the police, who said they “appeared to have blood stains,” as the Times reported. https://variety.com/2021/film/news/alec-baldwin-rust-assistant-director-affidavit-1235096042/

Alec Baldwin says he feels no guilt about ‘Rust’ shooting

“In the protocols of the business, Hannah would hand me the gun 99% of the time, whatever, the preponderance of the time,” Baldwin said during an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos. “But when we would say cut, if Hannah was away from the set, I would hand [assistant director David] Halls the gun.”

Alec Baldwin Exclusive Interview – Part 2 | ABC News
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-HyUbJYBOY 1:45 “The Camera Is Here Filming That Way”

“He was inside the church then, Hannah was outside the church having to do her prop duties.” https://thehill.com/blogs/in-the-know/in-the-know/584767-rust-armorers-father-says-hes-not-worried-about-investigation

Alec Baldwin Exclusive Interview – Part 2 | ABC News

Famed lawyer says he’d be shocked if involuntary manslaughter charge not brought

Halyna Hutchins was 18 inches away from gun Alec Baldwin was holding, crew member says https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/rust-alec-baldwin-halyna-hutchins-moment-gun-went-off

Normally, the process begins with an armorer bringing the gun to the director or assistant director to show nothing is inside, he said. Then it is brought to the actor with the assistant director, who often shines a light through it to show an empty barrel and chamber.

Alec Baldwin and Rust crew had been told never to point a gun at a person, lawyer for armorer says https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10167227/Alec-Baldwin-Rust-crew-told-never-point-gun-person-lawyer-armorer-says.html