0 2 min 7 mths

This video covers How Max’s Email Marketing Agency Went From 5k/mo to 40k/mo Inside Client Ascension

We’ll Help You Build a Client Acquisition System with an ROI in Promise in Writing: https://clientascension.com/?sl=yto

Learn how to make money by sending cold emails (Cold Email Mastery 2.0): https://cemclientascension.com/?sl=yto

We’ll place a commission based cold emailer inside your business to get you more clients: https://clientascension.com/placement?sl=yto

A realistic timeline of growing a business from $0-$50k/mo:

Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/blackhatwizardd

Download leads and only pay for ones that are deliverable: https://ListKit.io

Max’s links:
Website: https://www.skyrodigital.com/home
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Max_Alexxander

Max joined Client Ascension at 5k/mo, and 11 months later he’s sitting at 40k/month. He quite literally followed everything I said, and saw results. Nowadays he gets most of his leads from inbound (who close at 80%).

Here’s a couple topics we went over in this video:
b2b marketing,
how to scale your agency,
making good offers,
risk reversals,
how to sign clients,
and more surrounding business as a whole.
how to make a good offer,